Thursday, August 2, 2007


About 2 weeks ago, Muffin decided her name is not Cinderella anymore, its back to her name. I kinda miss being 'Sleeping Beauty', and daddy being 'Genie'. Oh well, one more memory to remember.

Birthday party turned out great -we lucked out on the weather! The morning (kiddie) party was a lot of fun, about a dozen little girls were there, and the highlight was when "Cinderella" (a live grown up Princess!!!) showed up. The afternoon party (for friends/family) was great too. Another very big highlight was having three surprise guests - Aunt A, cousin B, and mommy & daddy's friend S all showed up unannounced from out of state.

She's been eating less, and she's getting leaner. And skipping naps more often. I know we'll miss her belly belly and her naptimes way too soon!

Yesterday Muffin & Daddy went to hang out with a family friend and her 2 older kids (boy/girl) and boy did they have a blast! They went to a local park that has a mini zoo, a merry-go-round adn a little train. Muffin was brave enough to ride the train - wohoo!! - but we think it helped that there were two older kids in the ride with her. But there's hope for rides!!

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